
Since the 80s, I have written books to meet the growing needs of participants in our workshops. To my surprise, I have already published 27 books that are translated into more than twenty languages!

You know, my greatest joy is to provide tools and practical ways to help people improve their quality of life in their everyday lives. That's what drives me to write non stop. Moreover, when writing, I learn constantly.

Here is a list of all my books that have been translated into English with the back cover text. To read excerpts of these books, click on their image.

EGO - The greatest obstacle to healing the 5 wounds

EGO - The greatest obstacle to healing the 5 wounds

ISBN: 978-2-920932-75-3

It's finally here: the long-awaited sequel to Lise Bourbeau's popular book, Heal your wounds and find your true self, published in 2001 and still achieving record-breaking sales with translations in 16 languages.

With this book, the author really wants to help you discover the tremendous influence and power that your ego can have on you. She shares her wealth of personal experience to guide those who are looking for concrete ways to heal their suffering.

You will learn to recognize the operating mechanisms of the five wounds and be better able determine when they are preventing you from simply being yourself, i.e. happy. By applying the techniques suggested, you will become aware of the countless occasions when your ego is controlling your thoughts, words and actions: a vital condition for healing and taking control of your life so that you can be your true self.



Cancer - A book of hope

Cancer - A book of hope

ISBN: 978-2-920932-56-2

What would you say to having a different view of cancer, that notorious word that has scared — and continues to scare — millions of people every year throughout the world? Why not consider this illness, even with all its devastating effects, as a friend rather than an enemy that one must struggle against? 

The way you perceive this word is entirely your responsibility. 

This book seeks to present a perception that is new and different from anything that has been written to date. Indeed, Lise Bourbeau uses an unprecedented approach that is based on the thousands of cancer stories she has heard over these last thirty years.  

Through this book and the many experiences shared in it, Lise Bourbeau offers you only gentle methods that do not involve struggle, because fighting demands so much energy that it leaves none for anything else.   

This book is intended for all those who are affected in one way or another by cancer today, including: 

  • those who have already had cancer;
  • those who have cancer now;
  • those who are worried about a friend, relative or family member who has cancer;
  • therapists and caregivers who want access to tools for helping their clients or patients;
  • and, of course, all those who wish to prevent this illness. 

Cancer is not an inevitable fate but rather a message aimed at helping you recover happiness and inner peace. Cancer seen this way becomes an opportunity for transformation and for loving yourself.   

Liberate yourself from the control this word has over you and transform it into a springboard for inner peace.


Just listen to your body and eat - STOP trying to control your weight

Just listen to your body and eat - STOP trying to control your weight

ISBN: 978-2-920932-30-2

While it may sound like a modern trend, Lise Bourbeau has been teaching its core principles for over 40 years. She calls it “Listen to your body, and eat what you want.” In this groundbreaking book, she shares her wisdom to help you: 

  • Discover the six reasons beyond hunger that drive you to eat;
  • Understand how your need to control what you eat can negatively affect your well-being;
  • Learn to recognize the emotional wounds that prevent healthy eating;
  • Embrace and accept your body—and most importantly, yourself—just as you are.

 Lise Bourbeau, a world-renowned expert in body awareness and self-healing, offers profound insights into intuitive eating, providing practical solutions and transformative paths to reconnect with your body's true needs. 

Do you find yourself constantly controlling your food intake? Have you struggled with anorexia or bulimia? Can you recognize that pivotal moment when eating shifts from nourishment to indulgence? Are you able to love yourself, even when your eating habits feel out of control? 

Listen to Your Body and Eat invites you to explore your relationship with food as a powerful tool for self-discovery. It reveals the profound connections between your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions, guiding you toward understanding your unique needs at any moment.


Heal your wounds and find your true self

Heal your wounds and find your true self

ISBN: 978-2920932210

Do you sometimes feel as though you are getting nowhere in your personal agenda? Do problems that you thought resolved seem to keep resurfacing? Perhaps you are simply not using the correct approach.

This new book by Lise Bourbeau, just as reliable as those before it, demonstrates that all problems of a physical, emotional or mental order come from five important sources of hurt: rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Thanks to the carefully detailed description of these inner wounds, and the masks that you have designed in order to not see or feel them, you will come to identify the true cause of a certain problem in your life.

These masks will also give you answers concerning extreme skinniness or obesity.

This book will allow you to move along onto the path of recovery which leads to the ultimate desired result: being yourself.

Lise Bourbeau, as always, offers you a practical solution at the end of this book in order to turn your day-to-day problems into stepping-stones toward personal growth and to become aware once more that you are a creative GOD.


Your body's telling you: Love yourself!

Your body's telling you: Love yourself!

ISBN: 978-2920932173

Lise Bourbeau has compiled 20 years of research in the field of metaphysics and it's physical manifestations in the body and brought it all to the forefront in this user-friendly reference guide, Your body is telling you Love yourself!

Since 1982, she has worked successfully with over 15,000 people, helping them to unearth the underlying causes of specific illnesses and diseases. The accuracy and devotion to the truth that characterize her technique has proven itself in the innumerable transformations that have resulted.

She is certain that any physical problem is simply the outward manifestation of dis-ease on psychological and/or emotional levels. The physical body is responding to this imbalance and warning of the need to return to the path of love and harmony.

Metaphysics is a philosophy that methodically investigates the nature of first principles and problems of ultimate reality. Its link with the physical is critical to permanent healing and is, by no means contraindicated in conjunction with conventional medicine. On the contrary, it is medicine's most valuable teammate.

Cover to cover, the reader discovers a most powerful tool, as he becomes his own healer. The reference material, a comprehensive guide to the causes of over 500 illnesses and diseases, is a succinct and visionary work that is truly and literally a labor of love.


Listen to your body - your best friend on earth

Listen to your body - your best friend on earth

ISBN: 978-2-920932-02-9

In 1987, LISE BOURBEAU began to share her ideas in book form as an adjunct to her workshops and seminars. The reception to her writing was overwhelming! Her simple, direct approach to subjects that, for generations, had been cloaked in confusion and misinterpretation, was welcomed and refreshing.

There is a widespread, pervasive need for balance in the world - on an individual level and on a global one. People are searching for happiness and inner peace. In a world of chaos and uncertainty, where do you find it? The answer lies within each of us.

LISE BOURBEAU takes you by the hand and, step by step, leads you beyond "packing your own parachute", to taking that step back into the clear, refreshing stream of life that flows from the Universal Source. She gives you the tools, not only to fix what is wrong in your life, but to build a solid foundation for your inner house - a foundation that extends as far as the global village. In her most recent book, "LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - YOUR BEST FRIEND ON EARTH" she helps you build an intimate, rewarding and powerful relationship with the most important person in your life - yourself.

"LISTEN TO YOUR BODY - YOUR BEST FRIEND ON EARTH" is a simple, comprehensive guide that will bring its readers closer to peace, love and harmony. It is a lifeline to the Divine.


Available in all bookstores. If they don't have it, just ask them to order it from our distributor.

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